March 19, 2010

Faithful to His Word

Posted in Faithfulness of God tagged , , , , , , , , , , at 6:28 am by tclickenger

Amazing Grace

Image by jasohill via Flickr

One of my brothers in faith was describing an experience that he had while he was fallen away from God. My brother, we’ll call him “Allen” and two of his “friends” were drunk one night. At one point in the evening they began singing country music songs. After a while, two of them began singing “Amazing Grace.” One of them left the room because he didn’t want to hear it. Allen and his friend ended the song sobbing like babies, talking about how wrong they were to be living the lives that they were living.

While Allen was telling this story it reminded me of a passage of scripture, Psalm 22:3 “You are Holy, You dwell among the praises of Your people.” While these boys were in their intoxicated state, they began singing praises of God and He showed up, lovingly reminding them of their need to be right with Him.

This is just so wonderful to me. That even when were rolling in the pit of mud of our despair and corruption, God will do what his word says He will do. God will honor his word even when we are not in an honorable condition or are not being honorable to Him. How many men or women of this world can you say that about? God is good all the time.